Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday Sewcial

Today was the first sewing class at the library since the fall.  The library had to move while it underwent repairs and there was no where for the sewing class to meet in the temporary location, so we had a long break.  That was good for me to get a chance to adjust to my new job and to reflect on what we had done in the sewing class and see what direction it should take this time around.

In the midst of prepping for the sewing class I found out that Grown Up R was going to come home for the weekend for Mothers Day.  What a nice surprise!  So I quick adjusted the class time to be when the girls were out at a movie and I asked the library to limit the class size so we would have a better chance of getting finished on time.

Two of the participants came to most of the previous classes.  Another one was brand new.  Three was the perfect number to be able to attend to everyone.

We made patchwork pillow covers with an envelope back.  The two sewists with a bit more experience made 9-patches with the 5" squares and were able to finish their project.  The newer students chose to do a 16-patch with 3.5" squares and just got the top finished.  She had more to learn since she had never touched a machine before. 

They all did a great job.  I wanted for them to focus on threading their machines and work on a uniform seam allowance.  With the small group we had today they had a chance to get all of their personal questions answered, so it was successful.  I hope they have enough confidence to go home and practice.

Next class is mid-June.  What fun easy project can we do next?  Something red, white and blue would be good.

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