Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Inspiration from an Unlikely Source

I have been trying to figure out what to work on as a Leader & Ender project.  I wanted to do something that was more intentional than just sewing squares together because I had a lot of them.  Although I have done that before and ended up with a beautiful quilt. 
X Marks the Spot in progress 
I have been looking at books and blogs and tutorials and nothing really jumped up and said, "Make me!"  Until tonight when I made myself sit down for 15 minutes of sewing.  It was a really, really long day with lots of extra stuff thrown in.  (The end of the school year is like that.)  I would normally be in bed at this time, but I was mindful of the fact that I had already taken a "day off" from sewing this week and I didn't want my numbers to go too low. 
BOM goal!
I took out the last BOM packs that I had since I knew they would be easy and would also get me working on that BOM UFO.  I had joined Jo over at Jo's Country Junction for her 2018 BOM Challenge and was able to keep up until I got a new job.  These were actually my sister's BOMs when she thought she wanted to make a quilt a million years ago - before she realized she could get me to make quilts for her! 

Anyways - I started sewing the block, which was super easy since it is precut and realized that that block would make a perfect Leader & Ender for me.  I have lots of random triangles of various sizes and random squares and plenty of strips if I run out of precuts.  So I think I will work on making up some kits of this block from my miscellaneous pieces and see where it leads.  As an added bonus, the BOM block instructions include the dimensions of each piece even though it is all precut.  So I don't even need to math it out!  Win Win!!

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