Saturday, May 4, 2019

Bee in my Bonnet

Every Day for the Month of May - Days 3 & 4

College E is coming home for the summer next weekend and Grown Up R is coming to visit for Mother's Day.  I am so excited to have everybody together, but I am not ready at all.

We painted College E's room a few weeks ago since it was in desperate need of some freshening up.  It is almost back together but not quite.  Since Grown Up R is grown up and gone she no longer has her own room, so Little S will have to give up her room for the weekend.  That puts Little S on the sewing room floor in the sleeping bag.  Most likely they will all 3 end up in the same room talking all night, but I need to be ready just in case.

Less than 2 weeks ago I barely had a path from the cutting table to the sewing machine (yet I managed to make an amazing quilt that I will post about in the near future).  Little by little I have been working to reclaim the room.  Mostly it was just things for school that came in and didn't have a place to go, so there were lots of piles of "future" school stuff.  I got most of it dealt with, but it was time to deal with under the cutting table as well.

Friday after school I took everything out from under the table and worked my way through it.  Since I have recently reorganized other areas of the house there were some things that had a better place to go.  Some things I didn't need to hang on to and some things just needed to be looked at, labeled better, and put back under the table.  I don't know why I never think to take a before photo when I start something.
Halfway through facing north.
Halfway through - facing east.
Today, after I made considerable progress on the things that had nothing to do with sewing but had to get done, I treated myself by finishing up cleaning under the table.  (Don't ask me to clean anywhere else in the house though!!)
After (east) - I can even see the top of the table again.
After (north) - much better
Whew! Now I have no excuse for not getting some real sewing done.  Good thing, because I need to prep a project for a private sewing lesson on Wednesday and make 3 samples for teaching 2 different sewing classes before Thursday.
Random stuff to deal with somehow, but not put back under the table.
I think I was also motivated to do a good cleaning because summer vacation is fast approaching.  I want to sew during the vacation - not clean.  Last year I think I spent a month cleaning and organizing.  I don't want to do that this summer.

All in all, I think this was 2 afternoon/evenings well spent.  I have that bee out of my bonnet and I can move on.

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