Friday, May 10, 2019

Bright Hexagon Quilt Finds the Perfect Home

I made the Bright Hexagon Quilt a while back when Little S saw the design and I figured I could make it with what I had on hand.

I tried to sell it in a few craft shows and on Etsy with no luck.  In all honesty I am not good at selling what I make.  It is much easier for me to give it away, so not selling it didn't break my heart - or the bank since it was all from stash.

Fast forward a few months and the Bright Hexagon Quilt is still sitting waiting for some attention and a co-worker is expecting a new grandson.  There is a lot more to the story but the bottom line was that I really felt like giving the quilt to her was the right thing to do even though the baby-to-be was several states away, it might be a while before she saw him, and he truly did not need a thing.  I tried to talk myself out of it because she might take it the wrong way.

In the end, I couldn't get over the feeling in my heart that she needed the quilt.  So I wrapped it up real pretty and gave it to her.

Oh my.  It was one of those times that I could not anticipate or explain, but boy was it the right thing to do.  The look on her face and the story she told me - I'll never forget it.

Before I didn't worry much about selling a product.  Now I really don't.  My sewing ability is something I need to use to bless others.  This quilt was a big reminder of that to me.

Linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict to share finishes.


  1. I love this quilt. I've made a few kaleidoscope quilts and love the results. Hexagon quilts tend to look more difficult than they are. Like you, I cannot sell a quilt. I can't count the quilts I have given away. I was making quilts for retiring coworkers until someone made it feel like an obligation. This year I found Hands2Help. I will concentrate on this and similar causes in the future.

  2. Glad your quilt found the perfect home. It is special to share our talents with those who have a need, however, I hope you will not give up also selling some. We can share in many different ways.

  3. The quilt is just lovely! I love the story about giving it to your co-worker. I’m like you in regard to selling my jewelry. My goal is to get the cost of supplies back. But I’m often just as happy giving my pieces away.


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