Fun Facts from 2017
I kept track of enough details in 2017 to be able to calculate my price/yard across the year. I get quite a bit of fabric free or very cheap and I rarely buy fabric at a regular store unless I need it for something very specific. I love numbers so I went back "mathed" it.
I brought a total of 147.9 yards of fabric into my home at a cost of $54.02, which made my fabric in 2017 cost $0.37/yard. That was fun!!
First Stash Report of 2018
Unfortunately, fabric already came in. I blame it on the thrift store. Once I go back to work there won't be as many trips over that way, so there is hope for the future.
Fun fabric roll! |
When I unrolled the light blue to measure it out came this cute vehicle FQ as a bonus!
This is really light blue and the surprise FQ also. |
I went through a lot of my browns making Dear Jane blocks over the vacation. I'm trying to make each block from a unique fabric and not have duplicates, so this brown for $0.25 caught my eye. It ended up being almost 1.5 yards.
4.81 yards for $1.75
Fabric Out: Since I had over a week without going to work and it was too cold to go out much I got a lot done on the sewing front. I tried really hard to finish things that were started, specifically things that were stalled because of difficulties of any sort. Mentally I was trying to lift the burden of those projects to free me up to sew something fun and easier when my time is limited in the future.
I got the Alligator Baby Quilt completely finished. I was struggling with the quilting and I'm not completely happy with it, but it's done. I can count out the backing and binding. 3 yards
Alligator Quilt |
I also got this cute little one finished. I bought it at the thrift store a few weeks ago. $4 for the finished quilt with batting and backing, in a large wooden hoop, partially hand quilted. I figured I could finish it by machine and then I'll have a cute baby quilt on hand. So little was hand quilted that I just machine quilted in a meander over it and didn't bother to remove the stitches. I can later if they bother me. I never counted this in because I couldn't figure out how, but I can count out the binding now. 0.29 yards.
Cute little baby quilt |
Once those were bound I reached to the next one on the pile. This time last year I worked on
this cute bright quilt then set it aside. Apparently I had planned for the next round of borders, since it was all folded together, but hadn't sewn them. I had to piece the circle fabric carefully since the pieces were not long enough. While I had momentum I quilting it and got it bound. This will make a super cute baby quilt to have on hand. Outer Border, backing and Binding 3 yards
My favorite so far! |
Fabric Purchased this week: 4.81 yards
Fabric Purchased YTD: 4.81 yards
Fabric Used this week: 6.29 yards
Fabric Used YTD: 6.29 yards
1.48 yards used
Linking up to quiltpaintcreate to stay accountable.