Monday, January 8, 2018

Design Wall Monday 010818

It's a Design Floor for me.  With College E home lots of stuff got moved into my work area and I can't get to the wall.

I finished up a few odd small quilts and then pulled out a bag of someone's UFO that I had gotten at the thrift store.  All the muslin squares were cut but there were not very square so I straightened them up.  Only a few of the colored squares were cut, which was good since I had to square them up also.  Then I cut the remaining fabric the correct size.

I wasn't convinced on one of the fabrics that came in the bag, so I switched it for a brown from my stash right away.  Better, but still not quite right.
Layout #1

Then I switched out the beige with red blobs for more brown and did a little bit of rearranging.  I am hoping this will be a baby boy quilt to have on hand.  Those red blobs looked too much like roses and the color just wasn't working.  I like this much better.

Layout #2
I already got a few rows sewn together in Bonnie Hunter's webbing style.  I'll work at it this week as I get time.  I like a simple project without much thinking when I only have a little bit of time to sew in the evenings.  This is perfect.

Linking up to Small Quilts Doll Quilts to show what we are working on.


  1. I like your changes, and I'm so intrigued -- I never thought of looking for someone else's UFO at a thrift shop! Also, what is the "webbing style" of piecing the rows together?

  2. I use Bonnie Hunter's method for webbing the blocks together. It keeps everything in order and it goes very quickly. I can even stop partway, come back later and never lose my place. Check it out at


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