Wednesday, January 10, 2018

UFO Challenge

This was actually a UFO that was a bag of pieces I got at the thrift store.  I just can't resist a good puzzle.  I went through a few variations with the original pieces and then changed some out for fabric from my stash that I thought looked better.  On Sunday evening it looked like this.
Sunday night
I have been trying to hard to maintain the momentum from Christmas break and keep sewing in the evenings after work and dinner even if I am tired.  A few minutes goes a long ways.  By Tuesday evening it was all webbed together.

Tuesday night
At this point it needs a few borders to make it big enough to be practical for anything.  So it is likely to go back into UFO status while I work on the Carnival Quilt which has an actual deadline.  But I am pleased to have gotten it this far.  I like it and will be thinking of borders.

Linking up to Jo's Country Junction UFO Challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I would want you on my puzzle team- great how you could take nothing and make something:)


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