My sister was thrifting last Saturday while I was driving to meet Grown Up R in South Carolina to hand off Little S to spend the week with her.
Turns out I don't even need to be present for the good deals to find me. There was an estate sale of a quilter and she got a nice pile of fabric for $2. She had even held back and let the other more serious quilters go first. 6.93 yards
At the Hospice Thrift store that sometimes has great deals on fabric and sometimes has it overpriced she took advantage of the half off everything weekend sale. Gallon sized zip bags stuffed with fabric. She got 4 bags @ $0.50 each. I was going to just guess it at 1-2 yards each since it was lots of scraps, but I had a change in my schedule one day where I needed a quick project to take with me to kill time and I had a table available. I took the fabric bags and a tape measure. I never would have guessed each bag held so much fabric.
Blue bag - 5.55 yards Had some greens mixed in.
Black bag - 1.19 yards After I threw away a solid black that was so aged that it ripped on contact.
Green bag - 3.35 yards
Neutral bag - 2.58 yards There were also some yellows and pinks in here.
She did not help me with my stash problem, but she sure did get some good deals!! She has been with me buying fabric enough that she knows colors I am likely to use and what is cotton. $19.60 yards for $4. $0.20/yard
Nice Job, Stephanie! Thank you.
Nice finds at a bargain price!