Friday, September 1, 2017

Flower Baby Quilt is Done!!

Woo Hoo!  I was hoping, but I really wasn't sure if I could do it.  My work schedule is different this year and Little S's school schedule is also different.  So I have 10-15 minutes after I put her on the bus before I have to leave for work.  I have been trying very hard to make those minutes count.
testing sashings

It didn't take too long to get the strips sewn together.  Then Little S was gone ALL DAY with a friend! I sewed and sewed.  I got the top all together without agonizing too much over my color choices.  I just went with what looked good and moved forward.
bright flower

The machine I usually use for quilting has been behaving very poorly with free motion, so I decided to check it out using the walking foot.  I had never used this machine with its walking foot before.  I usually borrow my sister's machine since I used to have an identical machine and bought a walking foot for it.  (The machine is now with my MIL in Guatemala, but I hung onto the walking foot since that was not something she would use.)
colors are great

Yes, the finicky machine worked with its walking foot, but the stitch length varied greatly which I wasn't expecting since my other walking foot/machine combo is very consistent - slow and steady and consistent.  I also had had a hard time getting the layers pinned together well and I felt like that affected the finished product as well.
love the windy day photos

Got it done the next day, but I was not very pleased.  I was able to try some new things that I wondered about after quilting Middle E's college quilt.  Yes, they were better done this way, but not with this particular machine.
details show up great on the back

Good News - The machine works, so I think it is the free motion foot that is the problem not the machine.  Much easier fix.

Lesson learned - Keep borrowing my sister's machine when using a walking foot. 

Client Satisfaction - 100% so really I have to call it a success overall.

Linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Crazy Mom Quilts to show off finishes.


  1. Client is so happy she may not give it as a gift just yet.

  2. I have a very finicky wide bed machine and I just keep changing the needle, the thread and the tension until I find a combo that works. The fabrics and the batting make a difference too. I consider it a puzzle to solve. Quilt looks great.

  3. Really like what you've created! I can understand your machine struggles, I have them with both my new and vintage machines.

  4. Thanks for all the encouragement for figuring out the machine issues. Since I now know it isn't the machine itself or the needle plate causing the thread to break. I can work on other possibilities. I've tried needle, thread and tension. Next to try is changing the free motion foot.

  5. Very cute. This pattern is on my long bucket list of quilts to make.


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