Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fishy Finish

This week was Vacation Bible School at our church and I was in charge of crafts. Once all the crafts were prepped I got serious and made myself an apron.

I cannot do crafts with kids without an apron.  At work I use my old standby apron which is getting old and faded but still does the job.  I actually have 2 because my first disappeared one summer, so I made myself another. Then the original turned up a year later with another teacher.  Strange but 2 work aprons works for me.  

One year I made Dr Seuss aprons.  Another year it was super heros.  So a fish apron for the Submerged VBS seemed like the thing to do.  I'll also wear it during ocean week at school. 
I had recently been given a box of random bias tape and a good color was on hand so the apron went together quickly.  I forgot that I don't like bias tape ties on aprons until after it was done, but for the week it was fine.
I really need a pocket in my apron but I did not want to cover up any of the fish.  As usual I was working with scraps, but I was able to fussy cut the same fish that was on the apron front and turn it into a pocket.  Next time I would do the pocket before the hem but this was fine. 

After I finished the apron I decided to make fishy burp cloths for my boss' grandson who was such a good sport during all the decoration and getting set up. He's only 3 months old so he didn't have much choice but he needed a consolation prize.  
He reminded me so much of my girls when we were in full time ministry and they patiently did whatever the situation required.  

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict to show off finishes.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very cute apron, and impressive pocket, too!


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