Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cowboy Camp & Pillow Finishes

No sewing for me this week but I got the commissioned pillows done.  Only got pictures of 2 of the 4.  Just imagine the same thing in square.

My team teacher and I are making the curriculum and doing the prep for the Cowboy Camp that our preschool is having in a few weeks.  We will both be out of town during the camp, so we are in over-drive trying to get it all done this weekend.  Of course, sewing had to be involved somehow.

A HOWDY banner in burlap for each classroom.  A big one that says COWBOY CAMP is in the works!

The 4-year-olds will design their own bandana - 15 of them!  Zig-zag in red about 1/2 inch in on all the edges on the muslin.  Unfortunately the muslin did not come out of my stash.  So finishes, but no stash out - except for lots of odd bias tape!

Hooking up with Crazy Mom Quilts 
and Confessions of a Fabric Addict
and Richard and Tanya Quilts

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a riot - a cowboy camp with 4 year olds! I hope they enjoy being creative and that you all have loads of fun.

    Love from England, Muv


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