Fabric Used This Week: 3.7 yards in these projects:
2.6 yds pink backing
0.9 yds for PVPV Carnival quilt
0.2 yds for humbug bag.
2.6 yds pink backing
0.9 yds for PVPV Carnival quilt
0.2 yds for humbug bag.
Fabric bought This Week: 0 yards
Total Used 2014: 7.2 yards
Note: For the carnival quilt I was given some fabric but since it was all used in the quilt and I will give the quilt back this week I did not count it as in or out.
I am feeling very pleased with myself. Keeping track really lets me see progress. It also makes me want to have finishes to report. Starting a blog has benefits I never imagined.
Go see how others are stash busting at P atchwork Times.
Go see how others are stash busting at P atchwork Times.
Congrats on your numbers and your finishes. Thanks for sharing.