Sunday, May 29, 2016

More Fabric In

Stash Report 052916

My co-worker gave me a bag filled with fat quarters.  This is the same co-worker for whom I made the Valor Vests for.  We exchange crafty supplies and abilities all the time.
(Disclaimer: My fingernail is not dirty.  It was smashed in a door 6 months ago and is almost grown out now.)
She had used them on the tables for her son's engagement party at a local Mexican restaurant.  They certainly do have a FIESTA kind of look to them!

Not sure how I'll use them but they sure do liven things up on my shelves for now.

17 FQ!!!  That's a lot.  I am right on the brink of falling into the RED.  Yikes!
But how can I say no to free fabric?

Fabric Used/Out This Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used/Out in 2016: 30.5 yards

Fabric In This Week:  4.25 yards
Fabric In 2016: 29 yards

Net Used 2016:  1.5 yards

Staying accountable with Judy over at Patchwork Times!


  1. Never say NO to fabric. Those are very festive looking.

  2. They are very festive. There's no way to say no to free!


Thanks for stopping by. Let me know what you think!