Monday, May 30, 2016

Ladybug from a Salad Bowl

I'm working in plastic and foamy this week!

Camp 1 is Billions of Bugs.  Middle E is helping me with planning and prepping the Camps this year. A good experience for her since she wants to be a teacher and a fun source of income.

We are trying to make the hallway decorations over the top to really get the kids' imaginations going. 

The giant butterflies were easy - butterfly dress up wings from the Dollar Tree and we added a foamy body and googly eyes. 
Cute as  a  Bug!!!
The ladybug was pure imagination.  We started with a large disposable take out salad bowl. Middle E described the wings as a "heart without the point" and I drew.   Sure enough, that's just the right shape.  We used foamy for the wings and spots.  She calculated the placement on the bowl and we hot glued them down just where the wing went across the top of the body and then the leading edge of the wing to force it into position.  So the rounded part of the wing is loose.  The eyes were also foamy.  A pipe cleaner hot glued into position finished it off.  No nose - what looks like a nose is really just a reflection. 

This turned out so darn cute I can hardly stand it.  Next up is a spider and some ants.

Linking up with Judy over at Patchwork Times to show what's on our design walls, even though this is my design floor.

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