Little Baby CW is the first grandson of my cousin. Our grandfather was called CW. It turns out Baby CW's initials being the same is a coincidence. He was born premature at just over 1 pound and has been in the hospital gaining weight. I can't begin to imagine how difficult that must be.
My sister asked me to make the Carpenter Star that I had made previously for her. I am not really a fan of repeating a design so I found this design that is also called Carpenter Star, but is different.
I loved making this one. This was all fabrics from the stash. The top went together so quickly.
Then the quilting slowed the process down. I have to get better at quilting since sending them out to be quilted is not in the budget.
I am very happy with how it turned out and I think maybe I really would make another of this design. I can envision it in brights or pinks or just about anything!
My goal was December 1st since Baby CW was expected to go home in December. I got it done by my date, but he went home early, which was very good news!!
Linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict to share finishes.
Stunning quilt for Baby CW!!!