Sunday, September 25, 2016

It Felt Like A Dream

I was in a room full of fabric and I was allowed to TAKE whatever I wanted!  This was not a dream. It happened to me through work connections last week.  Fortunately most of it was not cotton, but there was still an awful lot to choose from.
Yardage and strips on the left.  Chunks and bits on the right!

I got it washed and ironed and measured and was dreading seeing the numbers.  But then I realized I need to stop worrying about the numbers and be thankful for the blessing of free fabric.  The reality of our family is that there is nothing in the budget for fabric so this is just another way that God is providing for us.  
Unopened fat quarters.  Anyone like cats?

So I am pleased to report that I added 17.46 yards to my stash at a cost of $0.00.  

I've been commissioned to make a Baby boy quilt with no stipulations as to color or design. So I think I'll "shop my stash" and make a super cute quilt.  Those primary colored scraps that came in willl work just fine for my idea.  Can't wait to get more fabrics picked and pieces cut and then get sewing.  

I am working on a worksheet/tutorial showing how I calculate yardage on odd scraps.  It's not hard at all.  

Fabric Used/Out This Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used/Out in 2016: 56.29 yards

Fabric In This Week:  17.46 yards free!!
Fabric In 2016: 72.13 yards

Net Used 2016: 15.84 yards stashed 

Staying accountable with Judy over at Patchwork Times


  1. I definitely want to view your worksheet on scraps since that is all I have been sewing lately. Me-New loved the cat fat Quarter! Shopping the Stash for a commissioned quilt is always a plus.

  2. What a great set of additions. It didn't put you that far into the red and you can't argue with the price!

  3. If fabric is free I don't count it on my stash report, I only care about what I pay for!


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