Sunday, April 24, 2016

Stash Report 042416

Crazy busy week and I am behind on reporting.  Hope to catch up a bit today.

Finished the Meet in the Middle flimsy.  Woo hoo.  A fun top to piece from Jo's Country Junction.  It is destined to go to my SIL for her wedding in June.  -6.18 yards

Had a yard sale with my sister and got rid of some odd non-quilty fabrics in the free pile.  -3 yards

Dropped off the leftovers from the yard sale at a local thrift store and discovered they were in the process of reorganizing and so everything was fill a brown grocery bag for $3.  Found some nice cottons.  By the time I filled the bag with stuff for school/work for which I will be reimbursed, I figure the fabric was free.  Can't go wrong there. The 4 yards of cream will be super useful.  Not sure what I'll do with the fleece (brown w/ pink circles), but a yard is enough for something.  Maybe more monkey blankets.  The prints will work themselves into something.  + 8.25 yards

So here are my new totals:

Fabric Used/Out This Week: 9.18 yards
Fabric Used/Out in 2016: 27.03 yards

Fabric In This Week:  8.25 yards
Fabric In 2016: 24.75 yards

Net Used 2016:  2.28 yards

Seems like a lot more fabric has come in this year than usual, but I'm getting it out slightly faster, so it all works.

Sharing our Stash Reports with Patchwork Times

1 comment:

  1. Fun flimsy! Congrats on that finish and on staying in the black even while finding a great deal on fabric.


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