Friday, October 10, 2014

Flannel Rag Quilt Set

Long Story for a Fun Project

Due to an unusual set of circumstances I taught a small group of students for three years in a row.  It was really a privilege to see them learn to walk when I was in the One-Year- Old class,  hear them make sentences when we were in the Twos, and just take off ready to go at the world when we were in the Threes.  It was sad to see them go at the end of the year last year.  We had a Super Party to send them off.  Check out what I made to go with the party   here and  here

Anyways, one of the moms was really great at keeping us motivated.  She kept us in treats all the time.  It didn't take much for her to think of some reason to bring us a goodie.  So when she became pregnant last year with a much desired baby, we knew we had to do something for her.  Mr. Blue has now moved on the the VPK class, but we still see him in the hallways and we have been keeping up with the baby's arrival.

Mr. Blue told us that the color for the baby's room was pink, white and purple.  I went to my stash and had plenty to work with.  For a long time I have wanted to make a rag quilt from flannel.  This was the perfect project.  I didn't have enough of a variety of all flannels, so I made sure that each square had at least one side flannel and there were no non-flannels side by side in order for the rag edge to work.  I did not put an extra layer of flannel or batting in the middle of each square.  We live in Florida and flannel is usually plenty warm.

I made the quilt in just a few hours - once I stopped agonizing over whether to cut the fabric or save it for another 20 years, the project moved right along.  My co-teacher did the cutting/fringing of the seams.  I got off easy on that!
Quilt Front
Quilt Back
Rag Edge Detail
I had a few odd pieces left over so I made a little lovey also with rag edges.  The edges are not quite a fun as on the larger quilt, but it is still very textural.  I had fun mixing and matching the shapes front and back.  I like a good puzzle.
Lovey Front
Lovey Back
The whole project started because I thought a few burp clothes would be a good gift.  I made them last and used up more fabric.
Burp Cloth Front and Back
Folded Burp Clothes

 Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts  and Confessions of a Fabric Addict  to show off finishes.


  1. Cute quilt and I love that colorway - just made a block with those same colors.

  2. Love those colours in your quilt.

  3. Raggy Quilts are such fun to make.


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