Friday, April 4, 2014

More Surprise Progress

It's amazing what I can get done if I just settle down to do it.  Wanting to have a finish to post on Fridays and stash out to post on Sundays has been a huge motivator.

I committed to help Hands 2 Help with at least one quilt.  I wasn't sure what I would do, but had this peach quilt that Little S started and quickly deserted.  It had been laid out, but picked up wrong, so I had to lay it all out again and get it stacked back up correctly for webbing.

After agonizing over the arrangement for much too long I just went with it and got the rows webbed together relatively quickly.  Should be able to get the rows sewn together when I next get time to sit down and sew.  I think I already have fabric that will do for a backing.
Webbed together in rows.  Terrible lighting - sorry.
I had to laugh because when I dropped off my niece after choir practice, my sister gave me a plate of cookies.  I told my girls that if my passion was cooking I would have made cookies this afternoon - or at least dinner.  But since my passion is sewing I made part of a quilt.  Unfortunately, I can't feed my family the quilt, so we had fast food to celebrate finishing a tough week.  Fortunately, they understand and don't have high expectations from the kitchen, especially on the busy days!!  If Senor G had been home I would have put something in the crock pot, but when it is just us girls things are a lot looser!

Go see some other finishes at Confessions of a Fabric Addict   and Crazy Mom Quilts.  


  1. Hey, cereal always works for dinner too :) or ice cream when the senors aren't home. These fabrics will make a very sweet quilt. NOW GO FINISH IT!

  2. I like this quilt a lot -- I like the colors. I have some peach and pink and yellow/cream linen that I've been thinking about using for a quilt. I've never used linen for a quilt but the colors look good together. Maybe I'll do something simple like this. I'm not much of a cook in the kitchen (or anywhere else, for that matter) and now that it's just two of us, we're lucky to get one or two "good" meals a week! It's good you do what you love and that your girls understand.

  3. I like your peachy and pink fabrics. This will make a great H2H quilt.


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