I did not do very well this week. College E wanted to go thrifting. My favorite little store had some amazing deals. I know I had just told myself that someone else might want that great deal and I could leave it there, but it didn't work this week. One of the volunteers even said, "I knew you'd be back!"
Fabric In: Not all of it was fabric, but it was all useful and "a great deal".
Unopened packages of double wide binding! $0.25/each |
Iron - on interfacing/stabilizer. 3 yd / $0.50 |
Whites & neutrals & a fun fabric for a burp cloth. |
The deals were so good I have to tell you. The turquoise sheep was 1/2 yard for $0.25. The solid white was just shy 1 complete yard for $0.25. The white on white was one yard exactly for $0.50. The dark brown was 2.8 yards for $0.50. The best deal of the day was the beige 10 yards 15 inches complete and uncut for $2!! I say I have plans for all of it, but you know how that goes. If I end up giving it away no great loss either.
Fabric Out:
Finished and bound the
Carpenter's Star. I counted out the backing last week, so this week I can only count out the binding. 0.36 yards
I like this design a lot. |
Recovered a little stool, which I will post about later this week. 0.25 yards
This stool got a complete makeover. |
There were a few other odds & ends, but I was busy sewing and not keeping track so they will get reported another week.
Fabric Purchased since last report: 15.84 yards
Fabric Purchased YTD: 71.51 yards
Fabric Acquired since last report: 0 yards
Fabric Acquired YTD: 22.65 yards
Fabric Used since last report: 0.61 yards
Fabric Used YTD: 105.27 yards
11.11 yards destashed
My numbers took a hit, but I think the fabric stashed will be very useful. Overall I am sewing more and using more, so I am not too worried.
Don't forget to check out the
July Giveaway to see how you can help me get a cute piece of fabric out of the stash! A winner will be chosen on Monday!!
over at Life In Pieces has challenged us to try to stitch 15 minutes
each day. I was a busy bee this week getting things finished, preparing samples for my sewing class, and a few more items to sell at the Market Fair. I even got a good start on the next quilt in the "needs to be quilted" queue. Going great guns on that and then ran out of thread. White! Of all colors to run out of. Oh well. No deadline on that one, so no need for the longish trip to buy more thread.
Days stitched since last report: 7/7
Days stitched this year: 193/209
Success Rate:
Linking up to
QuiltPaintCreate and
Life in Pieces to keep accountable.