Sunday, July 3, 2016

Stash Report 070316

My coworker gave me more fabric.  It was actually given to her by a friend who is cleaning out a bit and she passed it on to me.
Cute flannel and ....

some circles with an unusual marking in the middle of some and just a dot in the middle of the rest.   And some other add scraps. 

The circles are gone already to my boss's daughter who just bought a sewing machine and needs scraps to practice on.

I tried really hard to finish something this week but with work and all it just didn't happen.  I did get a paid sewing job done.  Altered a wedding dress to be a princess dress - changing the sleeves and hem - but that didn't use any of my fabric.  Maybe next week. 
Fabric Used/Out This Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used/Out in 2016: 36.5 yards

Fabric In This Week:  1.75 yards
Fabric In 2016: 30.75 yards

Net Used 2016:  5.75 yards

Staying accountable with Judy over at Patchwork Times


  1. Some weeks are just that way. Still more out than in and that's what counts.

  2. Sometimes life gets in the way!

  3. That was an intesting gift of fabric, and a blessing to be able to pass some of it on.

  4. I totally understand how "life gets in the way" of our planned sewing time. Still good that your usage is more than what has come in. Hope this coming week is better for you.


Thanks for stopping by. Let me know what you think!