Saturday, March 8, 2025

County Clare Has Been Promoted

March started with a good cleaning of the sewing room work space.  I really missed out on a good before and after photo!

After rediscovering the table top, I decided to promote the Leader & Ender project "County Clare" to focus project.  I had originally thought I'd just make 9 blocks and turn it into a baby/kid quilt since that is what I most often need, but I have good stash of those now.  The new possibility of making quilts for North Carolina has me very excited.  But I want these quilts to be larger.

The last few County Clare units.
So I prepped enough pieces to make 3 more large blocks and working on those was my project all week.  When I joined the 4 smaller blocks to make the 12" block, I noticed that the blocks that I had sewed as true leader & enders were not as well made as when I sewed just them this week.  A few adaptations came to mind, but in the end I just started unsewing and adjusting seam allowances on the ones that needed it.  That will take another day or two, but I think will give the best finished product in the end.  It was a good reminder to check sizes more often as I work, especially with such small pieces.

The beginning of an idea.
My idea is a 3x4 layout with sashing and blue setting stones.  In my cleaning I rediscovered these units from Grand Illusion that I'd like to work in as a border.   I think the math will work.  I'm not sure about the black corners and may switch them for white or just go with it.   So many of my blues in County Clare are dark, it might work.  We'll see when I get to that step.

Can I use up this pile in the process?!?!
15 Minute Report

15 minute days/week = 7/7
15 minute day/March = 8/8
15 minute days/2025 = 59/67
Success Rate = 88%

Mindless sewing was really what I needed this week, but not enough got done to move the numbers.

2025 Stash Totals
Used last week:  0 yards
Used year to date: 17.2 yards
Acquired last Week: 0 yards
Acquired year to date: 7 yards
Net used in 2025: 10.2 more yards used

Linking to Kate's Life in Pieces to share progress.

Linking to quiltpaintcreate to show stash movement.

1 comment:

  1. What a great scrap buster. Congrats on the successful clean up. A clean sewing room always makes me fell more productive.


Thanks for stopping by. Let me know what you think!