Saturday, February 22, 2025

Week of February 16

It was a strange week, and I worked on a mix of projects.  One day I didn't feel good so came home from school quickly and after a 3 hour nap I looked at old magazines to find inspiration.  I ended up finding a good project for my next leader & ender project.  So the next few days I cut out pieces to get me started.  

Seems like a simple but cute project for leaders & enders!

Over winter break I had seen this cute hexagon hot pad pattern and thought it would be fun to make for the girls.  I still had extra hexagons from the baby quilts I had made a while back and they turned out to be the right size.  On the first one I made the mistake of trying to do it in a QAYG fashion over the batting, and that did not work.  I made it work, but I won't do that again.  The pieces were just too small to manage easily.  

Halfway done!
This morning I made myself finish the first one since I had all the parts ready to go.  I was nervous about binding the angles, but it came out fine.  Next time I will make sure the binding ends meet farther away from the loop.  I have the next top ready.  These are definitely not on the front burner and once I finish the 3 of them, I pretty sure I'm done.  Super cute, not hard, but just not my thing.    

I also worked on this quilt that was made from donated squares and then set aside several years ago since I didn't really like it and didn't have anything that remotely coordinated to add borders or finish or anything.  Well, when I went to use up my Joann's gift card I found the red polka dot that I thought was close enough for a border.  

Top is intended backing, black is for another project, red is the borders and maybe binding.

When I washed the fabric I got that day, a black for another project was next to the fabrics for this quilt and it looked good together.  So I added a narrow black inner border with a black grunge from my stash.  I think it makes a huge difference.  I actually almost like this now.  I will work on the red borders this week.

15 Minute Report

15 minute days/week = 6/7
15 minute day/Feb = 19/22
15 minute days/2025 = 46/53
Success Rate = 87%

Not enough movement this week to affect the stash, but hopefully next week I'll have some finishes.

2025 Stash Totals
Used last week:  0 yards
Used year to date: 10.31 yards
Acquired last Week: 0 yards
Acquired year to date: 7 yards
Net used in 2025: 3.31 more yards used

Linking to Life in Pieces to share progress.
Linking to quiltpaintcreate to share stash movement.


  1. Some days you gotta have that nap. I used to fight those, but if I wasn't feeling well, usually a good nap or an early bedtime was helpful in fighting off whatever was trying to take hold. You had a productive week with several projects moving along the road to finished.

  2. Naps are good, especially if you are productive after them. :)

  3. The borders looks good, like the top.


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