Fabric Out:
I finished the Ballerina Quilt. Backing & binding. 1.48 yards
Finished the Scrappy Mountain Majesty baby quilt. Backing & binding. 1.48 yards
Finished the Brown & Brights D9P. Backing & binding. 1.48 yards
Sent 6 unfinished baby quilt tops + miscellaneous backing, binding and orphan blocks for donation to someone who will finish them and pass them on. That is the most reasonable thing for me to do. I really enjoy the piecing, but finishing is my weak point. 11 yards
Made a chair cushion for my sewing chair. 0.66 yards
Made an apron to send down to a niece in Guatemala. 0.5 yards
I also made 2 bags for College E to store/carry her 5 lbs weights. I used old jean legs and they seem to be pretty sturdy. But I had to make 2 to carry 10 lbs each. 20 lbs was too much to handle comfortably. This is a much better arrangement than the shoe box she was using. 0.46 yards
I spent 10 hours over 3 days making 8 new dining table chair cushion covers for my sister. The old ones had zippers in the back even though she had never taken them off to wash in upmteen years. I suspected the zippers made finishing the covers easier than hand sewing the edge closed. After making a sample that proved to be true. The process went relatively quickly and most importantly I did not end up doing it at the last minute before going back to school so I was pleased. Lots of time and learning involved, but not a drop of fabric from my stash used in the process. Too bad.
Fabric Purchased Since Last Report - 0.5 yds
Fabric Purchased YTD - 70.5 ydsFree to Me Since Last Report - 0 yds
Free to Me YTD - 14.37 yds
Fabric Used Since Last Report - 17.06 yds
Fabric Used YTD - 72.02 yds
Fabric Movement - 12.85 yards stashed
Total Spent - $43.25
Price/Yard YTD - $0.52 / yard
Realistically giving away what I will not use is working well. I am okay with sewing for pleasure and giving away for pleasure as well. When I need fabric for something specific I have no doubt that I will have what I need on hand!!

My numbers might seem a little off, but that is because I didn't start the challenge until May.
Days spent on sewing related tasks since last report: 6/7
Days spent on sewing related tasks this month: 18/20
Days spent on sewing related tasks this year: 75/81
Percentage of time on task: 93%
Linking up to QuiltPaintCreate and Life in Pieces to stay accountable.