Sunday, June 5, 2016

Very Impromptu Project - Stash Report 060516

Hey.  That's a VIP.  I like it.

At dinner - after a long day of a long week - Middle E asked, "What about the burp cloths?"

I responded, "Huh?"

This was the night before the last day of school for Middle E.  She adores her math teacher and he and his wife are expecting a baby this summer.

I had gone through a stage when we first moved to the US thinking that I could make a living selling burp cloths on Etsy.  Didn't happen, but for a while I had a good supply of burp clothes that made good baby gifts.  Not anymore.  I was down to 3, none of which worked for a baby whose gender has yet to be determined.

So, after dinner I put on the happy mommy smile and said. "Let's just make some new ones."

She was a good helper and did all the little stuff so I could just sew.  We did not agonize over decisions which is always my weak point.  We just picked fabric and thread and moved on.

Middle E was so happy and I was Super Mom for the night.  In this mothering journey I have learned that sometimes I just need to do it even though it was poor planning on their part and I'm exhausted.  There are certain projects that they will remember that I dropped everything and came to their rescue.  I don't need to be Super Mom for me, but they need to know they are that important to me.

The burp clothes came out great.  Not knowing the gender or name, we went with "Baby" and "L" which is the last name initial.  The report was that the teacher was over the moon when he opened her package.  Maybe he'll give her the extra 00.06 points she needs for an A or tell all his friends he knows an amazing burp cloth maker!!

Fabric Used/Out This Week: 1 yard
Fabric Used/Out in 2016: 31.5 yards

Fabric In This Week:  0 yards
Fabric In 2016: 29 yards

Net Used 2016:  2.5 yards

Staying accountable with Judy over at Patchwork Times!


  1. Sometimes they do need to know that we will move mountains to help them no matter what their age.

  2. I worked on teacher gifts yesterday too! I always try to make something for the teachers, but I never do a great job of advance planning. My daughter was a great help yesterday in prepping the materials for her teacher's gift which we will make today.

  3. I have one teacher gift to make, for next May. DT finally realised that Mom can't whip out a quilt in a few days. They do remember when you come through. Enjoy your brownie points.

  4. Very funny story. I remember a trip to Walmart at 10:00 one night to get colored sand for a science project the next day. My son never remembered those things until after he went to bed.
    The burp cloths turned out great.

  5. Love it! She will remember not only that you helped her, but the pleasure of working with you and giving to someone else. Thanks for sharing this part of your journey with us!


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