Friday, December 26, 2014

A Little Finish

I have been wanting to make this little basket since forever.  I thought I'd made a practice one before making the real deal for a Christmas gift.

I love it and will save it for a specific birthday that I always to a USA/Olympic themed gift for.  Never did do the Christmas gift one.  It was too crafty for the look I was going for.  My girls really liked it so I will be making more in the future.  Good use of scraps and about an hour of time. 

Here are the instructions I used: tutorial for fabric baske

And I am current on the Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts  for the last Friday finish of the year.


  1. It turned out great! I love that tutorial from Pink Penguin also!

  2. I happened upon that tutorial from Pink Penguin ages ago and never got around to making the basket. Thanks for the reminder about it! : )

  3. I am getting ready to start Part 5 today. Yours is lovely!

  4. Your basket is adorable. I love to make them. They make great gifts.


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