Friday, September 19, 2014

Drawstring Lunch Bag

My high-schooler has been taking her lunch to school in a ziploc bag. I envisioned a fabric version of the plastic bag. I still had shark (the mascot!) fabric left from previous projects for her.   I thought about it for a few weeks, then I finally cut the fabric. Of course there was not enough since it was directional. So I added a contrasting insert and had to set it aside while life happened.

Finally this past weekend I desperately needed to finish something in my life and have some small amount of control. I showed her how far I had gotten and offered to embroider her name in the blank spot - thinking she was too old for that. Nope, she was all for it.  
Got out the embroidery machine, which is about 25 years old but still works for simple stuff.  The thread broke. The needle broke. The thread jammed   The thread broke. I have never had this much trouble before.  By the time I set and reset her name it was not the least bit even. She was still happy with it. If she keeps it full and closed up it is less noticeable. Just don't tell anyone your mother made it!
The rest of the bag was easy peasy.  I know I could have figured it out on my own, but since things were not going smoothly I looked it up.   I used this tutorial    and it went together so quickly.

 Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts  and Confessions of a Fabric Addict  to show off finishes.


  1. Very cute. You may need to do some maintenance on your prehistoric embroidery machine. I wouldn't be surprised if you get requests to make more for her friends.

  2. Looks like a great way to carry a lunch!


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